Sunday, December 27, 2015


Okay so maybe I didn't actually quit latale...the new class looked like a physical phantom mage so I had to try it out. Pics will be incoming later, but she is currently level 122.

I actually have a job now so cant play on the weekends much but this tuesday I will get back to leveling her.

I like how they made codexes account wide, if for some odd reason you haven't collected cards/codexes yet get to it. It is now just a one time thing.

As I am leveling I am joting down notes for the really outdated leveling guide, really I am. That guide is the first thing that appears when I do a google search, it needs to be updated so it will. As soon as I get to the grinding part it will be updated. Questing is apparently a thing now o.o...

I guess I better get ready for work, later readers.