I just learned today somebody who I thought was a friend had been extremely annoyed by me for the past six months.
According to him (he plays latale) I act like a know it all. He has never complained to me once about anything I said, though he did yell at me once when we were skype chatting (I thought he was just being a little mood-y). Because I annoy him so badly he quit the guild I was in....after being in it for a day. He also told the guild leader he quit because of me. Oh and he quit when I was offline...he also took Fen with him (;A; Fen is like the sweetest girl ever and I thought we got along fine too...turns out I annoy her too). The beauty about all this is that he does NOT want to delete me off his buddy list? @.@ like...if I annoy him (which he swore up and down I do) why doesnt he just delete me in game and never talk to me again? Wouldn't that be easier? I am also slightly annoyed that he would try to start drama between me and the guild leader (who I respect a ton) by saying it was my fault that he quit. *takes a deep breath* The guild will survive without him and the guild leader does know now that it was not my fault. Finally if I ever come across this blog as a know it all I apologize. /ends rant
(just in case he is reading this) I feel like I want to write all these guides and stuff for newbies not because I have played the game since beta but because all the other guides out there for newbies are not detailed enough for me. I don't WANT to be told to do this and that without a reason behind it. Like why stack one stat over another...I feel like I should inform the newbies what the different stats do and why people stack the stats they do.
You don't come off as a know it all, don't worry :)