Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I have decided...

That an armor/weapon guide for latale is useless. Today (after a sorc level 100 blocked me because I commented that her damage would be better if she used an npc stone level 100 > 70) I realized most of the community either doesn't care about their gear, doesn't understand their gear, or cares but has their own take on gear. So it would be pointless to post a guide about it.

If you are the rare few that care about gear and came here expecting a guide about it, I am sorry. Latale is a great game but the community is definitely very uncaring and selfish (I tried to buff 8 newbies today and they all turned me down because they didn't want my buffs </3). Also, I refuse to spend time on something that has probably been done before. Try looking in the latale forums there is probably an equipment guide there.

p.s. if there is a game that is better than latale (not maplestory and has to be a sidescroller/2d) feel free to post it in the comments below this post. I really can't stand the latale community it is so toxic now. 

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, I can't agree more. It's horrible how the LaTale community has reached Rumble Fighter levels of acidity.
