Saturday, July 12, 2014


So I feel like its time- to explain all the different emotions and how I view/use them to my blog readers

:D or :) =yay, happy
xD  =happier
XD =happiest
^.^  =me trying to be cute while smiling like Bom from 2ne1 <3, I also tend to use this emot when I'm sad, being sarcastic, or am really pissed off (for the pissed off version I imagine a twitching vein above the can't see it? ^.^ moving on...).
:P   =playful...funny story I used to stick my tongue out a lot randomly to my real life friends (even the guy I had a crush on back then- and he would do it too lol).
>.< =embarrassed/flustered.
>///< =blushing embarrassed (oh gosh I haven't used this emotion since my 2nd online bf, the more '/' I put in the more embarrassed I am).
:> =me being quiet, unless I am talking to my overseas buddy then I use it like a :).
:( or D:= oh no something bad happened.
;A; and T.T =me sad and crying
-_- and =.= is me irritated/not buying it. It looks like a 'oh realllllly' face to me.
@.@ =okay this one is kinda hard to explain because I don't use it the way a lot of other people use it (no it does NOT look like someone rolling their eyes). To me its a positive 'shock' emot. Like if the guy I am crushing on showed showed up and said he wanted to date me (only it would be more like @////@ in that situation). It can also mean that I am dizzy with processing whatever you just told me. I think I'm the only one that uses it in the positive shock emot way...
o_o =shock/disbelief
O_O =negative shock/disbelief
0_0 =Aradia's shock/disbelief emot
All forms of O-o are a clear 'WHATTTTTTT?'
e.e =the classic eye roll for me
<.< =glaring. "uh huh, you did that, really?"
 QQ =something bad happened to me and I am QQing over it (like my coli helmet blew up on latale QQ).
*_* =I spot treasure emot.
:L =I don't even know what this one friend uses it a lot though...maybe its the more negative form of ':P'? =.= I don't even....yeah I like never use :L so don't worry about this one.

And I think that is all.


  1. t(-.-t) This is the one I use to flip off people, lol, not you, of course.

    d(^.^)b For when I feel something deserves moer than an ''Oh, cool.''

    So, in regards to this post d(^.^)b

    1. Lol :3

      For some odd reason I got 45 views today- were most of those views from you?

  2. I don't know how Google counts views, but I admit that I do check your blog maybe 6 or 7 times a day...don't know if that's creepy. I hope not.

    1. :O really? Thank you for reading this blog! XD

      It just spiked really big yesterday that's all lol. I guess someone posted the link somewhere else.

  3. Yeah, lol, I really like your blog :3

    I'm glad your getting more and more readers :D
